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Table 2 Description of F-CaST intervention

From: The Functional-Cognitive and Sensory Treatment (F-CaST) to improve rehabilitation outcomes of individuals with substance use disorder: a study protocol for a mixed-method randomized controlled trial


Activities to facilitate learning

Group sessions

Psychoeducational knowledge about the following topics which are then implemented in the individual sessions:

- SUD and the impact on the brain

- Reframing and conceptualizing function within the TC

- Executive functions

- Sensory modulation

- The importance of executive functions and sensory modulation for efficient daily functioning in the TC

- Strategies to overcome executive function deficits and for sensory modulation difficulties

Sharing everyday situations according to the terms discussed

The relation between Self-regulation and executive functioning in daily function

Group activities to encourage introspection to daily events through functional conceptualization

Games and video clips that simulate different experiences that require executive functions or sensory modulation. Game-like activities to experience the effective use of strategies (in general) and specific executive functions or sensory strategies to overcome deficits

Following these activities, sharing, reflecting on each self and others and group discussions will take place

Individual sessions


The Psychoeducational knowledge that will be taught in the group sessions will be implemented to help each participant set their specific goals

Activity task analysis will be conducted regarding daily occupational goals that will be set by the participants

For the first goal, both OT and participant will analyze and identify the specific difficulty within that goal

Then an appropriate cognitive strategy will be selected to compensate for their EF deficits and promote their occupational performance. In addition, sensory strategies will be taught and integrated

Cognitive strategies:

Response inhibition, Initiation, Planning and Decision-Making

Sensory strategies:

Adjusting arousal levels and Self-regulation in the TC environment

Behavioral strategies

Self-perception, Situation interpretation and Future prediction will be taught and practiced using a positive persona (with high self-efficacy) and a negative persona (with low self-efficacy) in different everyday scenarios chosen as similar to each participant's goals

After 3–4 sessions, the same process is done for another occupational goal and another cognitive strategy will be taught and practiced along the sensory and behavioral strategies